With quick-response and recharge times, these devices offer higher power than batteries and greater energy than typical aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
The EDC and EDS series of Coin Cell style EDLC capacitors from Cornell Dubilier (CDE) can replace or extend battery life in on-board memory backup. With quick-response and recharge times, these devices offer higher power than batteries and greater energy than typical aluminum electrolytic capacitors without degradation over millions of charge-discharge cycles.
Both series offer values from 0.047 to 1.5 Farad capacity, at voltages up to 6.3 WVDC for the EDC series; and 5.5 WVDC for the EDS series. Operating temperature for the EDS series is from -25 °C to +85 °C, with the EDC series offering -25 °C to +70 °C. Three case configurations are available for horizontal, vertical and radial-lead PCB mounting.
EDC and EDS series capacitors are ready to board mount in such applications as real-time clock (RTC) backup, power failure backup, battery assist and in market segments such as smart metering, HVAC controls, building automation, communication systems, appliances, instruments and other microprocessor-based devices. Because of their high volumetric power density, they can be an effective way to reduce board size and weight. Either series can be used as a drop-in replacement for similar value capacitors recently discontinued by other manufacturers.
On-board memory backup circuits, Audio output circuits, Energy/Lighting, Smart utility meters (AMR), Solar lights and energy storage, Power conversion, IoT--Energy harvesting/storage, Industrial controls, Telematics
Type QAS will extend the operating life of electronic and electro-mechanical devices by reducing and/or eliminating the electrical arcing, noise, and EMF. These electrical conditions often cause early failures in relays, switch contacts, and solid-state components such as SCRs and TRIACs.
Three-cell devices offer greater energy potential and power output than single or dual-cell parts in standard PCB layouts
3-cell DSF & DGH capacitors provide very fast power discharge that cannot be matched by conventional capacitors or batteries. That large capacity makes it possible to support brief power interruptions, supplement batteries, or even be used in place of batteries in many applications.
Type MXT Series Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor, designed to suppress conducted electromagnetic/radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI) at a circuit’s power input. These capacitors are perfect for use in harsh environments having met the demanding 85/85 THB (Temperature, Humidity, Bias) test requirements. Class X2 capacitors, like the MXT, are typically connected across the AC input to prevent interference from spreading through power lines or other devices on the same circuit.